Tack TMI (a Gi Group company) has been an authorized distributor of Thomas assessment instrument for the territory of Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia since 2004.
Thomas International system is a set of instruments consisting of competence assessment questionnaires:
- DISC instruments – Personal profile analysis, Work analysis, Team culture analysis
- Test of emotional intelligence as personality trait
Based on these instruments, over 20 reports can be created that will provide you with a systemic and professional approach to candidate selection, work requirements analysis, employee training and development, employee competence and potential assessment, people management.
The experience of our clients shows that these instruments are most useful to managers in the process of motivation and stimulation of employees in their work environment, helping them to encourage self-confidence, enthusiasm and level of commitment of the employees. Some of our clients that are using Thomas instruments in Serbia and Croatia are the following companies: Delhaize, Dr Oetker, SPAR, Telenor, SBB, Valjaonica bakra Sevojno, Hemofarm, Phoenix Pharma, Strabag, Komercijalna banka, Sberbank, Credit Agricole, Wiener Staedtische and others.
Training topics:
Thomas PPA certification training topics (Personal Profile Analysis and Job Analysis instruments):
- DISC theory and terminology
- PPA – profile interpretation
- Work analysis
- Applying DISC instruments in the process of regulation and selection
- Applying DISC instruments in the process of employee development
- Providing feedbacks
Thomas TEIQue Certification Training Topics (Emotional Intelligence Test as Personality Traits):
- Defining emotional intelligence – K.V. Petrides
- TEIQue personality traits
- Understanding and interpreting TEIQue results
- Applying TEIQue in the process of employee development
- Providing feedback
Two 4 hours VILT session
1300 EUR, excl. VAT