1 hour


Make a difference and a connection between awareness, our brain, emotions, reactions and long-term goals and how to apply mindfulness  in everyday life, to nurture the experience of being “now and here”.


If you find yourself struggling to stay focused on what matters to you, if you sometimes feel like you’re on emotional roller coaster, or if you just want more peace and quiet in your life, no matter what circumstances you are currently facing, this is a topic for you. The purpose of the training is to get acquainted with the philosophy, the scientific foundation and the practice of mindfulness, that many distinguished experts of clinical psychology, neuroscience and medicine believe will be the next big revolution in general wellbeing of the people.

It has been proved that practicing mindfulness enables more presence in the moment, reduces frequency of automatic reactions and therefore provides more choice, freedom and satisfaction, better concentration, better emotion regulation and clearer sensory perception.

 Training topics:

  • What this mindfulness is all about and why is it gaining growing popularity in the Western world, largely used to living in the so-called multitasking culture and where sensations and emotions are numbed.
  • Why is mindfulness, as a practice and as life philosophy, a superpower
  • What is the link between awareness, our brain, emotions, reactions and long-term goals and how can this link become stronger with exercise
  • How can presence in the moment and the awareness of what is going on in our mind, heart and body, provide foundation for gaining wisdom on how we want to handle particular situations instead of reacting blindly as if on automatic pilot.
  • How can mindfulness be applied to everyday life, to cultivate the sense of presence of “here and now”. In what way does this spontaneously lead to gratitude and perception of greater sense.
  • What are usual dilemmas about mindfulness and possible further steps for those who wish to try it or to reinforce the practice of awareness in their life.


One 1 hour VILT session


60 EUR, excl. VAT


Eva Velimirović

Eva Velimirović has over 15 years of professional experience. She has been working as an independent consultant and coach since 2013. By profession she is a psychologist and psychotherapist under supervision. Prior to moving into consulting waters, she worked in several reputable companies in various industries in management positions in human resources.

As a long-term associate of Gi Group, she leads and develops trainings in the field of her professional knowledge and professional experience, such as: emotionally intelligent leadership, personal efficiency, stress management, development of leaders, presentation skills, human side of quality, training for trainers, etc.

Eva has collaborated with companies from various industries, such as: NIS, Vip Mobile, Coca-Cola HBC, Atlantic Grupa, Nestle, Strauss Adriatic, Norma Grupa, Nelt, Grundfos, Media House, Schneider Electric, Dr. Oetker, CooperTire, Delhaize, Domestic Trade, Endava, Ikea, STIHL, Ubisoft, Nortal, Titan, Ardagh, Pioniri, Porto Montenegro, Portonovi, Lovćen Osiguranje, Wiener Stadische Osiguranje and many others.