
20 May
2 sata

20 Nov
whole day


You can’t always control what’s going on outside, but you can control what’s going on inside. If you’re wondering how, this is the right course for you!


This training gives participants an opportunity to uncover the roots of the stress they are facing, whether it’s the everyday work-related stress or stress brought by sudden change. We will look into basic methods of stress management, especially those relating to perception. It is well known that people interpret events differently and therefore respond to stress differently. Participants will also be able to try different tools such as breathing techniques that help control immediate reaction to stress as well as communication tools that protect us when interacting with others. The goal of the training is to introduce some of the basic universal tools of stress management and their potential uses.

 Training topics:

  • What is stress?
  • The effect stress has on our health and the way we function
  • Changing perception of a situation
  • Dealing with a situation constructively
  • The image of ourselves in a stressful situation
  • Stress and emotions
  • Protecting from stress in relationships with others


One 2 hours VILT session


105 EUR, excl. VAT


Vladimir Borovnica, a specialist in medical psychology and holder of the European certificate for psychotherapy, has been working since 2005 at the Hospital for Psychiatry, KBC “Dr Dragiša Mišović – Dedinje”, where he deals with psychodiagnostics, group and family psychotherapy.

In addition, as a Tack TMI trainer and consultant, he has been applying experiences from the clinical environment in a business context for over ten years. It is dedicated to working with people and improving their potentials and skills, regardless of the context. Some of the topics he deals with are: stress management, self-confidence and self-motivation, conflict resolution, communication, developmental mental attitude, emotional intelligence and leadership.