These are tools to help you improve your constructive communication skills.


This training provides tools to help participants improve their skills of leading constructive dialogues. We will look at the difference between constructive and destructive dialogue and the ways we can turn destructive into a constructive communication. As the reason for communication taking the wrong turn most often lies in unwilling impulse reactions, we will offer tools that can help participants direct the dialogue in a constructive direction.

 Training topics:

  • Empathy as the main foundation of dialogue and cooperation
  • Tension and its effect on team relationships
  • The moment dialogue turns destructive and what leads up to it
  • Taking the dialogue back onto a constructive path


One 2 hours VILT session


105 EUR, excl. VAT


Vladimir Borovnica, a specialist in medical psychology and holder of the European certificate for psychotherapy, has been working since 2005 at the Hospital for Psychiatry, KBC “Dr Dragiša Mišović – Dedinje”, where he deals with psychodiagnostics, group and family psychotherapy.

In addition, as a Tack TMI trainer and consultant, he has been applying experiences from the clinical environment in a business context for over ten years. It is dedicated to working with people and improving their potentials and skills, regardless of the context. Some of the topics he deals with are: stress management, self-confidence and self-motivation, conflict resolution, communication, developmental mental attitude, emotional intelligence and leadership.