
It is well known that prolonged stress leads to exhausting the resources and that in such circumstances many people display decline in motivation, efficiency, job satisfaction. Many, but not all. The ability to cope with such challenges and to be motivated, efficient and constructive, despite them, is called resilience. Clearly, this is always a topic in focus, but it is particularly relevant in the circumstances of extended global crisis we find ourselves in. We now know that resilience is not merely a personal feature that people “either have or don’t have”, but a set of different skills that we can adopt and practice over time. The purpose of the webinar is to introduce these skills to the participants so that they can get an idea on how to practice them in everyday life and work and improve their ability to cope with different stressors over time.

 Training topics:

  • Resilience – basic competences
  • Resistance to stress
  • Importance of ritual
  • Purpose and the big picture
  • Realistic assessment of the situation
  • Optimism vs. pessimism
  • Recognising opportunity
  • Growth mindset


One 1-hour VILT session


60 euro, excl. VAT


Vladimir Borovnica, a specialist in medical psychology and holder of the European certificate for psychotherapy, has been working since 2005 at the Hospital for Psychiatry, KBC “Dr Dragiša Mišović – Dedinje”, where he deals with psychodiagnostics, group and family psychotherapy.

In addition, for the last ten years he has been dealing with the application of experiences from the clinical environment in a business context as a coach, consultant and coach. He is dedicated to working with people and improving their potentials and skills, regardless of the context. Some of the topics he deals with are: stress management, self-confidence and self-motivation, conflict resolution, communication, emotional intelligence and leadership.

His trainings were attended by employees of companies such as: Raiffeisen Bank, NIS, Telenor, Strauss Adriatic, CRH, Titan Cementara, Direct Media, Atlantic Grupa, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, MPC, JTI, Delhaize, Aptiv, Endava, Alpha Bank, Nelt, Sitel, Bambi, Goodwill pharma, Dr. Oetker, Calrlsberg, PSI-CRO and many others.